
What Foods Have Calcium - Find Out What Foods Have Calcium by Reading This Article

There are many animal as well as plant sources of calcium. Normally doctors recommend eating more vegetables than dairy products because vegetables are free from impurities and contain no fat. Similarly, for people who are already deficient of calcium should not eat a protein-rich diet. Let's find out what foods have calcium and how to add them to our everyday diet.

If you are not looking for dairy products to fulfill your daily needs of calcium, then green leafy vegetables might be the best source for you. Bootstrap molasses, spinach, broccoli, beans and nuts like hazelnuts and chestnuts are rich sources of calcium. In addition to these, fresh fruits and vegetables like oranges, dates, okra, sweet potatoes, kale and dandelion greens can also be consumed to receive high levels of calcium.

When talking about what foods have calcium, fish and seafood have to be mentioned. Sardines, mackerel, tuna, salmon, shrimp and oysters are fairly good sources of calcium. You may also want to buy canned tuna and other materials made with seafood. It is also advisable to avoid certain substances that cause calcium loss through urine. These substances include too much salt, caffeine, phosphoric acid, soft drinks and processed food.

A healthy person belonging to the age group of 11 - 24 needs 1000 - 1200 mg of calcium daily. 1 cup of calcium-fortified orange juice provides up to 300 mg of calcium. Similarly, half a cup of tofu provides 258 mg calcium. Consult a dietary chart to learn what foods have calcium and how to add them to your everyday diet.

Milk can be consumed on a daily basis to receive adequate amounts of calcium. However, many people don't like the taste of milk or simply cannot digest it. Furthermore, the milk we drink today is not pure and may not provide enough calcium needed by our bones and teeth. In such cases, it is strongly recommended that you try calcium-rich tablets to receive optimal levels of calcium daily.

Commonly used calcium supplements make use of calcium carbonate (lime), calcium citrate and some other calcium salts. Calcium carbonate is the best nutritional source of calcium since it provides up to 40% of elementary calcium readily absorbed by the blood.

 You must have heard of coral calcium which is increasingly gaining popularity in the nutritional world these days. Coral calcium is calcium carbonate or lime obtained from fossilized coral reef without disturbing the ecosystem.

This type of calcium provides extra health benefits and is safe to be consumed by both children and adults.
Find supplement products rich in coral calcium for healthy bones and teeth.

For optimal bone health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health

John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out
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