
re Home Removal Methods For Moles Truly Safe And Effective?

By Ada Jacob

These days, the process of removing moles mo longer means that you have to undergo any surgical procedures. You can easily remove your unwanted mole right there in the comfort of your house safely and easily. This seems to be the message of gazillion home mole removal creams. But are they really safe and effective, just as they claim to be?

Most of home mole removal creams advertise that for 40 to 80 bucks you can have your body rid of any discoloration and in record time too, only a month. However, what they don't tell you is that every skin type is different and that the same cream can give different effects. What seemed to work for a friend of yours does not necessarily mean that it will work for you as well? Redness, blistering and other side effects we-re never even aware of could also be caused by the use of these creams. Some scarring could even come out of it too, leaving your skin marked even more.

You should never - EVER - shave the mole off if you are choosing to perform home mole removal instead of surgery or laser. It is akin to surgery and, in surgical procedures, you should never do it in an unsterilized environment such as your home and by an unqualified person (such as yourself). Many people underestimate the seriousness of this procedure so they are risking their skin and their health. Stay away from the sharp objects when trying to remove mole at home.

There seems to be quite a lot of natural methods for home mole removal on the Internet. According to them, you can use items from your own kitchen, and these include apple cider vinegar, bloodroot, or garlic. Sterilize a needle with alcohol and use it to scratch your mole. Dip a small cotton ball into apple cider vinegar and place it directly on the mole. Let it stay on overnight. You can also use a piece of garlic or bloodroot paste instead of the cotton ball. Although they are edible food items, do not be fooled and think they won't cause any burning or scarring, because they can and they will.

Although these products and home mole removal techniques are lauded by most for being fast and effective, they also clearly state that scarring is a possibility. You don't want your problems compounded by having your moles erased only to be replaced by scars. At least with moles, you can have them easily removed; it-s an altogether different story with scars.

My personal belief is that you have to leave everything in the hands of the professionals. If we are to make an analogy between pulling out a tooth and removing a mole, why should you pull your tooth yourself if you can have the dentist do it instead? If you-re concerned about this, just weigh the pros and cons and the consequences to help you make the right decision.

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